My Life in Poems

Lack of a father figure:domestic violence:mental and emotional abuse:rape,homelessness,hurt,sorrow,strife. Those are the barriers that kept me in isolation for 20 years. By my father being abstentee lead me to false companship from older men. The love for my children gave me the decision to remain as a complete family unit despite an incomplete relationship with my former spouse. Writing was therapy for me , but it became more of a cry for help to which no one seem to had listen. But through it all ,my love for God ,and the desire to seek refuge in Him brought about my release from the torment of a very abusive man. I am a 20 year domestic violence survivor. I am a true testament to all who have experienced uncalled for agony and despair. Let my poetry tell the story of my pain, helplessness, and feelings of failure. Allow those ryhmes to display my trust in God. " In The Midst of the Storm and Life Struggles: My Life In Poems " will do just that.

No Longer Bound

God delivered me out of mental,and emotional abuse,from homelessness,and hurt,and from depression,and not having much money for twenty plus years. I still deal with some mental challenges,but I'm better today than I was in my past. I finally decided to get my life back by loving me again, finding out who Alicia was again. that's what pushed me into the person I am today. First and foremost, God Did It !!! He kept me strong through those difficult times. My children,and my husband have always beeen my biggest cheerleaders. Thank God for being an overcomer. I'm grateful that God put in me to write this second book, " No Longer Bound But Set Free!!! I'm no longer bound to depression, abuse, homelessness.....